Student Government Association
Share your ideas, concerns, and/or recommendations with SGA.
The Student Government Association (SGA) consists of all students who are enrolled in a degree program at HPU. Meetings are held weekly during the fall and spring semesters and are open for all students to attend. The group of officers and representatives, who are elected by the student body, function as the official voice of the student body and act as a liaison between the students and the administration of the University.
Campus elections are conducted seasonally by the SGA to fill various offices. Those students who wish to run for an office must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 and be in good standing with the University. Additional requirements and expectations are located in the SGA Constitution.
SGA meetings occur on Tuesday at 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. in Walker Memorial Library conference room. All students are welcome to attend. Organization representatives are required to attend the first Monday of each month.
You can also share your ideas, concerns, and/or recommendations through the form at the bottom of this page.
View the SGA Constitution.
All SGA officers and senators must have and maintain a 2.0 cumulative G.P.A., be in good academic and conduct standing with the University, and be making satisfactory progress toward a degree.
- Must maintain a 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA.
- Must have completed correct number of academic credit hours for the class you are representing.
- Freshman senators: 0-29 credit hours
- Sophomore senators: 30-59 credit hours
- Junior senators: 60-89 credit hours
- Senior senators: 90+ credits hours
The description of responsibilities for Secretary and Chaplain are included in the SGA Constitution. Secretary and Chaplain are positions appointed by the SGA President.
- Be an official spokesperson and representative of the HPU Student Body.
- Preside at all meetings of the SGA according to Robert’s Rules of Order,
- Recommend such measures to the SGA as shall be judged expedient.
- Appoint any committee or other officers not provided for in the Constitution with the majority approval of the SGA.
- Have the power to recommend the dismissal of any committee member.
- Fill vacancies occurring in appointed positions by the criteria set forth in this Constitution.
- Cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.
- Have the power to call special meetings.
- Be an ex official member of the SGA committees.
- Appoint student representatives to University committees and SGA committees.
- Appoint the Secretary and Chaplain with the approval of the SGA.
- Prepare the agenda prior to each SGA meeting.
- Be responsible for the use of various media platforms (including but not limited to social media, short videos, etc.) to communicate to the student body regarding the process and activities of SGA.
- Review, at the beginning of each academic year, the electronic HPU SGA History Document with all SGA officers in order to re-evaluate certain policies and improvement ideas.
- Perform the duties of the President upon the temporary or permanent absence or disability of that officer.
- Attend all SGA meetings.
- Be a voting member of the SGA.
- Assist the President in coordinating all the facets of the SGA.
- Act as the SGA Parliamentarian.
- Serve as coordinator for all activities of the First Year Class until election of class senators.
- Assist the President with the use of social media for communication to the student body.
- Keep accurate and complete records of all receipts and expenditures of the SGA in conjunction with the University Business Office and SGA Advisor.
- Make a weekly report of all receipts and expenditures at the regular meetings of the SGA.
- Coordinate all fundraising.
- Attend all SGA meetings.
- Be a voting member of the SGA.
- Meet with their fellow senators to work on class projects, fundraisers and other class issues as needed.
- Attend all SGA meetings.
- Be a voting member of the SGA.
- Dual representation for each class.
- Serve weekly in the SGA office as scheduled by the SGA President. Office hours shall not exceed two hours per week.
- In the event of temporary absence or disability of the class senator, select a senator to perform the duties of that office.
- Be an official spokesperson and representative of the graduate programs.
- Attend all SGA meetings.
- Be a voting member of the SGA.
Tammy Arreola